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Along with Critical Reading, Writing is one of the most difficult skills to develop and one of the most important to know. This applies not just to high school performance, but to college, graduate school, and the professional world. Further, it is not just one type of writing that students must know. The writing students will encounter ranges from academic writing (analytical, formal, argumentative essays) to creative writing, to timed test-centered writing (in the SAT/ACT, GRE/LSAT/MCAT/GMAT) to journalistic writing.
WeEnglish, through our personalized curricula, helps to develop students’ skill sets in any field the student needs help in:
Academic Writing
Developing a strong, clear thesis statement
Identifying relevant pieces of support
Execution smooth transitions within an argumentative essay
SAT/ACT Writing
Timed writing techniques
Developing the content that readers want to see
Using powerful vocabulary that earns points with the readers
Other Writing
Creative non-fiction and poetry: from using metaphor to executing with a nuanced, textured vocabulary
Writing for newspapers: developing a hook, making your writing vivid and concise writing
English and writing homework help
Our process and resources:
First, students complete a writing evaluation, to be evaluated by our writing faculty. We discuss the students’ weaknesses and goals, internally and with the student. We design a curriculum intended to address the students’ needs, through the following texts and approaches:
They Say/I Say Rhetorical Writing Handbook
Longman Academic Writing Series
Daybook of Critical Reading and Writing Series
Writing homework and analysis
Consistent evaluation and feedback
Our goals are to have the students learn to write in a way they can carry into college and beyond. Our teachers are screenwriters, novelists, and graduates of the best universities and Liberal Arts Colleges in the country. More than anything else, though, they are communicators of knowledge who are committed to their students’ writing development.